What's new at the Brown Funeral Homes, Inc.
Many changes have been made since 2000, including and extensive remodeling of the entire funeral home in Mifflintown , which including placing a nearly 30 ft. beam in the main viewing/chapel area to accommodate more visitors to viewings and funerals, as well as a more modern funeral merchandise selection room, a handicapped accessible restroom and modern interior decorating (see the Facilities page to view pictures).
In 2001 the Brown Funeral Home became the Brown Funeral Homes, Inc. and acquired a second location in McAlisterville. Since then the already large parking lot in McAlisterville, was paved, lined and lighted in 2002.
The summer of 2003 brought even more change to the Brown Funeral Homes, Inc. as the parking lot in Mifflintown was repaired, repaved and lined and a new 2003 Cadillac S&S Medallist Hearse was added to the funeral home's fleet of vehicles.
In December of 2005, the McAlisterville funeral home, received an extensive remodeling of the lounge area and chapel, which included more modern interior decorating, carpet, a handicapped accessible ramp into the main viewing room/chapel, handicapped accessible restroom, upgraded lighting and and an upgraded sound system (see the Facilities page to view pictures).